Saudi Arabia 2023-2024 Port News

Saudi Arabia 2023-2024 Port News

Saudi ports saw container throughput rise 11.6 percent in September

Saudi Arabia 2023-2024 Port News 

The number of cargo handling containers at Saudi Arabian ports rose 11.6 percent in September from a year earlier to 732,293 containers, according to the government agency.

In its latest report, the Saudi Ports Authority, also known as Mawani, said the number of export containers rose 18.2 percent last month from a year earlier to 234,663.Imported containers surged 17.1 percent to 217,933 in September, the data showed.

The figures underline the authorities’ commitment to enhancing port services and capacity. They also underline the resilience of the Saudi economy and the robustness of supply chains and business activities.

In addition, the increase in volume is in line with the objectives of the national transport and logistics strategy, which aims to consolidate the kingdom’s position as a key player in global logistics.

In addition, 279,697 containers were transshipped, up 3.09 percent year on year; Port cargo throughput was 26 million tons, up 2.59 percent year on year.

Among them, general cargo throughput was 676,017 tons, solid bulk cargo throughput was 4.21 million tons and liquid bulk cargo throughput was 13.1 million tons.

In addition, ports handled 533,948 livestock, up 744.31 per cent from the same period in 2022.

In addition, the bureau’s ports received about 72,934 passengers, up 79.29 per cent from the same period last year.

In terms of vehicles, the ports received about 83,049 cars, up 19.77 per cent from September 2022.

Sea traffic also rose 11.83 per cent year on year, with about 1,040 ships in September.

Mawani’s goals include expanding port capacity to handle more than 40 million containers a year and increasing the kingdom’s market share in regional transhipment to 45 percent. These efforts are in line with its ongoing commitment to improve Saudi Arabia’s standing on international indicators.

Mawani was established in 1976 to improve the connectivity of maritime navigation networks with global shipping companies and to enhance the competitiveness of Saudi ports.

The Saudi Ports Authority approved five new shipping services in January that will help connect the kingdom to up to 43 international ports.

According to Al-Eqtisadiah, the five new services are expected to support commercial traffic, strengthen the national import and export system and provide an alternative for importers, exporters and transport agents.

In addition, the new services will enable the authorities to support the logistics system and upgrade the services of importers, exporters and transport agents.

It is also in line with the aims and objectives of the national transport and logistics services strategy to consolidate the Kingdom’s position as a global logistics hub and a connecting hub on three continents.

The five new services are spread across three ports, namely Jeddah Islamic Port, King Dammam Abdulaziz Port and Jubail Commercial Port.

Port new corporation

Port new corporation 

At Jeddah Islamic Port, the “Indo-Mediterranean Shipping Company’s Western Mediterranean” shipping service. Added, connecting the kingdom to 12 international ports.

United Ports of Saudi Arabia

United Ports of Saudi Arabia 

At the same port, another joint shipping line called “Indamex2” was added, connecting the Kingdom with six more global ports.

Next up is King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam, with Mediterranean Shipping adding the “Pakistan, India and South Africa” route to connect the Gulf state with eight intercontinental ports.

At the Jubail commercial port, the Mediterranean Shipping Line’s “India to Eastern Mediterranean” route was added, connecting the kingdom with 11 international ports.

Finally, the Jubail Commercial Port has also added the Indian Gulf Service, which connects Saudi Arabia to six ports worldwide.

According to the UNCTAD report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Mawani made the highest regional progress in the maritime navigation Network Connectivity Index.

Thanks to the addition of nine new shipping services throughout the year, the agency achieved a score of 71.33 in the last quarter of 2022.

Mawani’s mission is to achieve the Kingdom’s economic and social goals by ensuring reliable and efficient logistics operations while creating a safe and sustainable Marine environment.

For more information about ports in Saudi Arabia please click here.

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