New services for Mediterranean shipping

New services for Mediterranean shipping

Affected by the global spread of the epidemic, ports in many countries and regions are facing problems such as unloading congestion, prolonged time and even port closure, and shippers have to face high storage costs, demurrage and other pressures.

On the other hand, the Asian market is gradually recovering, and the production of raw materials and finished products is gradually picking up.However, the current overseas market demand is weak, and the impact of the epidemic gradually reduced, the recovery of demand, freight demand may usher in explosive growth.

Mediterranean shipping

In response, on March 31st Mediterranean shipping announced a new service, the delayed transit service (SOT).

It is understood that the service offers cost savings to customers facing high storage costs, demurrage, daily allowance and other charges at the port of destination by stashing goods at container yards at six transshipment centres in the far east, the Middle East, Europe and the americas.

At the same time, it brings the goods closer to the destination market and reduces the risk of the port of discharge being crowded or closed.Once the port of destination resumes operation or the market demand at the destination picks up, the delivery time will be greatly shortened.

The six transshipment centers are located at bremerhaven in Germany, busan in South Korea, king abdullah in Saudi Arabia, lom in Togo, rodman PSA panama international terminal in panama and tekilda in Turkey.

Mediterranean shipping, said the new SOT services can influence gradually reduce outbreak response and freight services demand recovery, after a sudden growth of cargo demand, including food, fresh agricultural products, medical equipment and other basic goods daily, in order to meet the demand for raw materials and finished products in Asia, and to ensure the continuity of logistics services.

It is understood that the service will be available to all shippers of containers and all types of goods imported and exported from Asia, with the exception of refrigerated goods, dangerous goods and project goods (such as OOG goods that are not normally suitable for containers).

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