EXW (Ex Works) Incoterms 2024: What You Need to Know

Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are a set of predefined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). These terms are widely used in international trade contracts to clearly define the responsibilities, risks, and costs associated with the transportation and delivery of goods between buyers and sellers.One of the most fundamental and commonly used Incoterms is EXW (Ex Works). Under EXW, the seller fulfills their obligation by making the goods available for pickup at their premises. All responsibilities from that point onward, including loading, transportation, customs clearance, and insurance, are transferred to the buyer.

What is EXW (Ex Works)?

EXW (Ex Works) means that the seller delivers when they place the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place (i.e., works, factory, warehouse, etc.), not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. Essentially, the seller’s responsibility ends when the goods are made available for pickup. The buyer bears all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller’s premises to the desired destination.

EXW has been a part of the Incoterms framework since its inception. Initially designed to simplify the terms of trade, EXW has evolved to address the complexities of modern global trade. With the latest update in Incoterms 2020, EXW remains an essential term, particularly for transactions where the buyer has extensive control over the logistics process.

What is EXW

Key Responsibilities Under EXW

Responsibilities of the Seller

  1. Preparation of Goods: The seller is responsible for ensuring that the goods are ready and available for pickup at the agreed location and time. This includes necessary documentation that identifies the goods.
  2. Packing and Labeling: The seller must properly pack and label the goods in compliance with the contract terms and any applicable regulations to ensure safe transportation.

Responsibilities of the Buyer

  1. Loading, Transportation, and Delivery: The buyer is responsible for all activities and costs involved in loading the goods onto the transport vehicle, as well as the subsequent transportation and delivery to the final destination.
  2. Export and Import Customs Clearance: The buyer must handle all export and import customs clearance procedures and bear any associated costs or duties. This includes obtaining necessary licenses and paying any applicable taxes.
  3. Insurance Arrangements: The buyer must arrange for any insurance coverage desired, as the seller has no obligation to provide insurance under EXW terms.

The following table outlines the key responsibilities under EXW (Ex Works) for both the seller and the buyer:

ResponsibilitySeller’s ResponsibilityBuyer’s Responsibility
Preparation of GoodsYesNo
Packing and LabelingYesNo
Loading onto TransportNoYes
Transportation CostsNoYes
Export Customs ClearanceNoYes
Import Customs ClearanceNoYes
Import Duties and TaxesNoYes
Insurance ArrangementsNoYes
Risk During TransportNoYes

Advantages of Using EXW

Benefits for Sellers

  1. Minimal Responsibility: Sellers benefit from having minimal responsibility and risk once the goods are made available for pickup. This reduces their involvement in the complex logistics and customs processes.
  2. Cost Savings: By not having to arrange transportation, customs clearance, or insurance, sellers can save on these operational costs.

Benefits for Buyers

  1. Cost Control: Buyers can negotiate better rates for transportation, customs clearance, and insurance, potentially leading to cost savings.
  2. Flexibility and Control: Buyers have complete control over the logistics process, allowing them to choose preferred service providers and routes.

Disadvantages and Risks of EXW

Potential Risks for Sellers

  1. Limited Control: Once the goods are made available for pickup, sellers have no control over the transportation process. Any mishandling or delays by the buyer or their agents can still reflect poorly on the seller.
  2. Documentation Issues: If the buyer fails to handle export documentation properly, it could lead to complications that may indirectly affect the seller.

Potential Risks for Buyers

  1. Increased Responsibility: Buyers take on significant responsibility, including all transportation and customs clearance activities, which can be complex and time-consuming.
  2. Higher Costs: Without careful planning, buyers may incur higher costs for transportation, insurance, and customs duties.

Comparing EXW with Other Incoterms

Table Comparing EXW with FOB, CIF, and DDP

To provide a clearer understanding of how EXW (Ex Works) compares with other commonly used Incoterms, the following table outlines the key responsibilities and cost allocations for EXW, FOB (Free on Board)CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight), and DDP (Delivered Duty Paid):

AspectEXW (Ex Works)FOB (Free on Board)CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
Cost ResponsibilityBuyerSplitSplitSeller
InsuranceBuyerBuyerSeller (until port of destination)Seller
Customs ClearanceBuyer (Both)Seller (Export)Seller (Export)Seller (Both)

When to Choose EXW Over Other Incoterms

Choosing the appropriate Incoterm depends on several factors, including the level of control you want over the logistics process, your familiarity with export and import regulations, and the nature of your business relationships. EXW is particularly advantageous when:

  • The buyer has robust logistics capabilities: If the buyer is well-equipped to handle the complexities of international shipping, EXW provides them with maximum flexibility and control.
  • Local transactions: For transactions that are local or where the buyer can easily arrange for pickup, EXW minimizes complications and costs for the seller.
  • Cost-saving opportunities: Buyers who can negotiate better rates for transportation and insurance may find EXW more cost-effective.

Read More:

Best Practices and Tips for Using EXW in 2024

Expert Advice on Ensuring Smooth Transactions

  1. Plan Ahead: Thoroughly plan each stage of the logistics process, from pickup to final delivery, to avoid unexpected delays and costs.
  2. Leverage Technology: Utilize logistics management software and tracking tools to monitor the status and location of shipments in real-time.
  3. Collaborate with Experts: Partner with experienced freight forwarders and customs brokers who can provide guidance and support throughout the shipping process.

Technological Tools and Platforms to Facilitate EXW Logistics

  1. Freight Management Systems: Systems like Freightos and CargoWise can help manage quotes, bookings, and shipment tracking.
  2. Customs Software: Tools such as Descartes and Amber Road streamline customs documentation and compliance processes.
  3. Insurance Platforms: Solutions like InsureMyTrip and Roanoke Trade offer comprehensive insurance options tailored to international shipping needs.
  1. Regulatory Updates: Stay informed about changes in export and import regulations to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.
  2. Contract Clauses: Clearly define EXW terms in sales contracts to prevent misunderstandings and disputes.
  3. Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies, including appropriate insurance coverage, to mitigate potential losses.

How Dantful International Logistics Can Help

Dantful International Logistics offers a full suite of services designed to simplify and optimize your international shipping needs. Our services include:

  • Freight Forwarding: Comprehensive solutions for air, ocean, and land transportation.
  • Customs Clearance: Expert handling of export and import customs procedures to ensure compliance and efficiency.
  • Warehouse Services: Secure storage options and inventory management tailored to your needs.
  • Insurance Services: Customized insurance solutions to protect your goods during transit.

Our experienced team of logistics professionals is dedicated to providing cost-effective, high-quality services that meet the unique needs of global traders. Contact us today to learn how we can support your business and streamline your EXW shipments.

 Dantful International Logistics Services:


  1. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). “Incoterms® 2020.” Available at: ICC Incoterms® 2020.
  2. Freightos. “Understanding Incoterms: A Complete Guide.” Available at: Freightos Guide to Incoterms.
  3. International Trade Administration. “Guide to Exporting: Incoterms® 2020.” Available at: Export.gov Incoterms Guide.

Young Chiu is a seasoned logistics expert with over 15 years of experience in international freight forwarding and supply chain management. As CEO of Dantful International Logistics, Young is dedicated to providing valuable insights and practical advice to businesses navigating the complexities of global shipping.

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